Encryption Examples for Swift 3,4,5...
- 2-Key Triple DES (112 bits)
- 3DES Encryption, ECB, CBC modes
- ChaCha20 Encryption
- Poly1305 MAC
- AES Encryption
- AEAD AES 128-bit GCM
- ARC4 Encryption (ARCFOUR)
- Blowfish Encryption, ECB, CBC, CFB modes
- Calculate MD5 Hash of File (or SHA-1, and other hash algorithms)
- PBES1 Password-Based Encryption (PBE)
- PBES2 Password-Based Encryption (PBE)
- PBKDF1 - Derive Key from Password
- PBKDF2 - Derive Key from Password
- RC2 Encryption and Decryption
- Twofish Encryption - 128-bit, 192-bit, 256-bit
- ARC4 PRNG (Pseudo Random Number Generator)
- WPA Key Calculation from PassPhrase to Hex
- Base64 Encode/Decode a String
- Create PKCS7 Signed File (.p7m)
- Sign a File to Create a .p7m File (using a PFX)
- Sign a File to Create a .p7s (Detached Signature)
- Decrypt a .p7m File (using a PFX)
- Encrypt File to PKCS7 .p7m
- Extract a File from a .p7m (PKCS7 Signed-Data)
- Hash Algorithms: SHA-1, HAVAL, MD2, MD5, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
- Quoted-Printable Encode/Decode a String
- SHA3 Hash to Match Test Vectors
- Hash File: SHA-1, HAVAL, MD2, MD5, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
- MD4 Hash a String
- RIPEMD Hash a String
- HMAC SHA-1 Matching FIPS Examples
- HMAC MD5 to Match RFC 2022 Test Vectors
- HMAC SHA-1 to Match RFC 2022 Test Vectors
- Match MySQL AES_ENCRYPT Function
- Re-Encode (How to convert encodings)
- URL Signing for Google Maps API
- CAdES BES Detached Signature
- UU Encoding and Decoding
- Deriving a 256-bit AES Secret Key from a Password Using SHA256
- HMAC with SHA256
- Generate UUID
- Punycode Encoding / Decoding
- AES CTR Mode Encryption
- AES CFB Cipher Feedback Mode Encryption
- AES OFB Output Feedback Mode Encryption
- Twofish CFB Cipher Feedback Mode Encryption
- Twofish OFB Output Feedback Mode Encryption
- Blowfish CFB Cipher Feedback Mode Encryption
- Blowfish OFB Output Feedback Mode Encryption
- Base64url Encoding
- Streaming Encryption
- AES Encryption
- Generate Encryption Key
- Calculate MD5 Hash of File (or SHA1, SHA256, and other hash algorithms)
- Plaza API (bol.com) HMAC-SHA256 Authentication
- MD5 Hash a String (such as a password string)
- CAdES BES Detached Signature
- CAdES BES Attached (Opaque) Signature
- Tips on Matching Encryption with another System
- Duplicate .NET's Rfc2898DeriveBytes Functionality
- Demonstrate HMAC SHA256
- Hash the Contents of a File (SHA256 and other hash algorithms)
- Hash the Contents of a String (SHA256 and other hash algorithms)
- UN/EDIFACT Syntax Level A Encoding/Decoding
- BCrypt Hash a Password
- BCrypt Verify a Password (Check if Password is Correct)
- AES Key Wrap / Unwrap
- Decimal Integer List Encoding
- Encrypt / Decrypt a File and Verify it has not Changed
- RSAES-OAEP Encrypt String with AES-128 Content Encryption and SHA256
- Example for both AES-128 and ChaCha20 to Encrypt Binary Data
- RSAES-OAEP Encrypt/Decrypt Binary Data with AES-128 and SHA56
- AES and CHACHA20 Encrypt/Decrypt Text
- Encrypting/decrypting a data stream.
- Encrypt File in Chunks using AES CBC
- Encrypt File using X.509 Certificate using AES in CBC Mode
- Blowfish Encryption to Match PHP's Mcrypt Extension
- Encrypt a file to a PKCS7 encrypted message using multiple certificates from different users
- Hash a Hex String
- openssl enc decrypt (duplicate "openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in hamlet.enc -out hamlet_dec.xml -pass file:./secret.txt")
- HMAC Hex String
- Encrypt using Cert to produce -----BEGIN PKCS7----- ... -----END PKCS7-----
- Sign and Encrypt using Cert to produce -----BEGIN PKCS7----- ... -----END PKCS7-----
- Encrypt/Decrypt using PFX to produce -----BEGIN PKCS7----- ... -----END PKCS7-----
- Password_Digest = Base64 (SHA-1 ( nonce + created + SHA-1 (password) ) )
- Generate Salt in Hex or Base64 Format
- MIME Header Q and B Encoding and Decoding
- Decrypt a SAML Response
- Encode Integer to Hex or Base64 using N Bytes
- HOTP Algorithm: HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm
- Generate TOTP using Base32 Secret (6 Digits, Time-based, 30-second period)
- TOTP Authenticator: Duplicate Results of Online Tools
- TOTP Algorithm: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm
- Google Authenticator Algorithm
- Ascii85 Encoding and Decoding
- AES Encrypt String (utf-8 byte representation) and return Base64
- Decrypt a govtalk.gov.uk SOAP GovTalkMessage
- AES Encryption ECB Mode with PKCS7 Padding
- Duplicate Java AES Results
- Duplicate Java HMAC-SHA1 using Chilkat
- URL Encoding and Decoding
- Hashing Encoded Data
- Get Contents of File as Base64
- 56-bit DES Encryption, ECB, CBC modes
- AES XTS Mode
- AES XTS Mode where Tweak Value is Data Unit Number
- Simple AES ECB Decryption
- BIP39 Compute Binary Seed from Mnemonic
- Decrypt 256-bit AES GCM Produced by Something Unknown