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(Xojo Plugin) Outlook -- Move Messages from One Folder to AnotherDemonstrates how to move messages from one folder to another. Note: This example requires Chilkat v9.5.0.68 or greater. This example applies to: Exchange Online | Office 365 | Hotmail.com | Live.com | MSN.com | Outlook.com | Passport.com
// This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. Dim http As New Chilkat.Http // Use your previously obtained access token here: http.AuthToken = "MICROSOFT_GRAPH_ACCESS_TOKEN" // This example will move some messages from /Inbox to /Inbox/abc/subFolderB // We'll need the folder ids for both source and destination folders.. // Get the folder IDs from the folder map created by this example Dim htFolderMap As New Chilkat.Hashtable Dim sbMap As New Chilkat.StringBuilder Dim success As Boolean success = sbMap.LoadFile("qa_data/outlook/folderMap.xml","utf-8") success = htFolderMap.AddFromXmlSb(sbMap) // Get the IDs for the source and destination folders. Dim srcFolderId As String srcFolderId = htFolderMap.LookupStr("/Inbox") If (htFolderMap.LastMethodSuccess <> True) Then System.DebugLog("Folder ID not found") Return End If Dim dstFolderId As String dstFolderId = htFolderMap.LookupStr("/Inbox/abc/subFolderB") If (htFolderMap.LastMethodSuccess <> True) Then System.DebugLog("Folder ID not found") Return End If Dim success As Boolean success = True Dim json As New Chilkat.JsonObject json.EmitCompact = False // Search for emails in this folder with the words "sample" or "example" in the subject, and return only the id and subject. success = http.SetUrlVar("folder_id",srcFolderId) success = http.SetUrlVar("select","id,subject") success = http.SetUrlVar("filter","contains(subject,'sample') or contains(subject,'example')") Dim sbResponse As New Chilkat.StringBuilder success = http.QuickGetSb("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/mailFolders/{$folder_id}/messages?$filter={$filter}&$select={$select}",sbResponse) If (success <> True) Then System.DebugLog(http.LastErrorText) Return End If success = json.LoadSb(sbResponse) // Show the results.. System.DebugLog(json.Emit()) // Sample results: // { // "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('me')/mailFolders('AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA')/messages(id,subject)", // "value": [ // { // "@odata.etag": "W/\"CQAAABYAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AADOpwfr\"", // "id": "AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAM6Jj10AAAA=", // "subject": "A sample email with Amazon in the body" // }, // { // "@odata.etag": "W/\"CQAAABYAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AADOpwfo\"", // "id": "AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAM6Jj1oAAAA=", // "subject": "This is an example email from chilkat.io" // } // ] // } // ------------ // Proceed to move (copy) each of the above emails to the destination folder. Dim jsonRequestBody As New Chilkat.JsonObject Dim jsonResponse As New Chilkat.JsonObject jsonResponse.EmitCompact = False Dim messageId As String Dim i As Int32 i = 0 Dim numEmails As Int32 numEmails = json.SizeOfArray("value") While i < numEmails json.I = i messageId = json.StringOf("value[i].id") success = http.SetUrlVar("message_id",messageId) // Create a JSON request body with this content: // // { // "DestinationId": "destinationId-value" // } // dstFolderId = htFolderMap.LookupStr("/Inbox/abc/subFolderB") success = jsonRequestBody.UpdateString("DestinationId",dstFolderId) System.DebugLog("Moving " + messageId) // Move the message to the destination folder Dim resp As Chilkat.HttpResponse resp = http.PostJson2("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages/{$message_id}/move","application/json",jsonRequestBody.Emit()) If (http.LastMethodSuccess <> True) Then System.DebugLog(http.LastErrorText) Return End If // A 200 response indicates success. If (http.LastStatus = 200) Then System.DebugLog("Message moved.") Else System.DebugLog("Response status code = " + Str(resp.StatusCode)) System.DebugLog("Error: Message not moved.") End If // Show the response in both cases.. success = jsonResponse.Load(resp.BodyStr) System.DebugLog(jsonResponse.Emit()) i = i + 1 Wend // --------------------------------------------------- // Sample output: // Moving AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAM6Jj2EAAAA= // Message moved. // { // "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#message", // "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.message", // "@odata.etag": "W/\"CQAAABYAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AADOp08j\"", // "id": "AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huwMAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AAAAzomk2wAAAA==", // "createdDateTime": "2017-05-30T23:39:35Z", // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-05-31T23:17:59Z", // "changeKey": "CQAAABYAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AADOp08j", // "categories": [ // ], // "receivedDateTime": "2017-05-30T23:39:35Z", // "sentDateTime": "2017-05-30T23:39:18Z", // "hasAttachments": false, // "internetMessageId": "<4aea73c1-2b29-f550-e6f1-eb22785a56f0@chilkatsoft.com>", // "subject": "A sample email with Amazon in the body", // "bodyPreview": "This email has the keyword Amazon in the body..", // "importance": "normal", // "parentFolderId": "AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huwMAAAA=", // "conversationId": "AQQkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAQADxkIFlCV-RFitsiVnh2MsI=", // "isDeliveryReceiptRequested": null, // "isReadReceiptRequested": false, // "isRead": false, // "isDraft": false, // "webLink": "https://outlook.live.com/owa/?ItemID=AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5%2BvF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huwMAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AAAAzomk2wAAAA%3D%3D&exvsurl=1&viewmodel=ReadMessageItem", // "inferenceClassification": "focused", // "body": { // "contentType": "html", // "content": "<html>...</html>\r\n" // }, // "sender": { // "emailAddress": { // "name": "Chilkat Software", // "address": "support@chilkatsoft.com" // } // }, // "from": { // "emailAddress": { // "name": "Chilkat Software", // "address": "support@chilkatsoft.com" // } // }, // "toRecipients": [ // { // "emailAddress": { // "name": "Chilkat Software", // "address": "chilkatsoft@outlook.com" // } // } // ], // "ccRecipients": [ // ], // "bccRecipients": [ // ], // "replyTo": [ // ] // } // // Moving AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAM6Jj2IAAAA= // Message moved. // { // "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#message", // "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.message", // "@odata.etag": "W/\"CQAAABYAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AADOp08k\"", // "id": "AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huwMAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AAAAzomk3AAAAA==", // "createdDateTime": "2017-05-30T21:07:18Z", // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-05-31T23:17:59Z", // "changeKey": "CQAAABYAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AADOp08k", // "categories": [ // ], // "receivedDateTime": "2017-05-30T21:07:18Z", // "sentDateTime": "2017-05-30T21:06:56Z", // "hasAttachments": false, // "internetMessageId": "<31fbbbce-2c70-c8d1-f0bd-35a7c7694a99@chilkat.io>", // "subject": "This is an example email from chilkat.io", // "bodyPreview": "This is an example email from chilkat.io", // "importance": "normal", // "parentFolderId": "AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huwMAAAA=", // "conversationId": "AQQkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAQAEa8sL3gJ_FNjgk2YkP1eTQ=", // "isDeliveryReceiptRequested": null, // "isReadReceiptRequested": false, // "isRead": true, // "isDraft": false, // "webLink": "https://outlook.live.com/owa/?ItemID=AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5%2BvF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huwMAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AAAAzomk3AAAAA%3D%3D&exvsurl=1&viewmodel=ReadMessageItem", // "inferenceClassification": "focused", // "body": { // "contentType": "html", // "content": "<html>...</html>\r\n" // }, // "sender": { // "emailAddress": { // "name": "Chilkat Software", // "address": "admin@chilkat.io" // } // }, // "from": { // "emailAddress": { // "name": "Chilkat Software", // "address": "admin@chilkat.io" // } // }, // "toRecipients": [ // { // "emailAddress": { // "name": "Chilkat Software", // "address": "chilkatsoft@outlook.com" // } // } // ], // "ccRecipients": [ // ], // "bccRecipients": [ // ], // "replyTo": [ // ] // } // |
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